
A list of all the posts and pages found on the site. For you robots out there is an XML version available for digesting as well.



MSc Thesis

103 minute read


I’m writing these excerpts 3 years later and gee I really wanted my MSc thesis to live on past me and be recorded on the internet throughout the ages for posterity.

MSc Thesis and Docker

less than 1 minute read


My awful MSc essay, uploaded here for posterity and embarrassment



bacondecomp is an R package with tools to perform the Goodman-Bacon decomposition for differences-in-differences with variation in treatment timing.




Big Data Tools for Economics

Third Year Undergraduate course, UChicago, Kenneth Griffin Department of Economics, 2021

I TA’ed Big Data Tools for Economics for Professor Thibaut Lamadon - his course website can be found here. The course is taught in Python and focused on computational methods applied to ‘big’ datasets for causal inference.

Honors Econometrics

Honors Undergraduate course, UChicago, Kenneth Griffin Department of Economics, 2022

I TA’ed the first course in UChicago’s Honors Econometrics sequence under Francesco Ruggieri.

Honors Econometrics

Undergraduate course, UChicago, Kenneth Griffin Department of Economics, 2022

I TA’ed the first course in UChicago’s non-Honors Econometrics sequence under Thomas Wiemann.